  • Ingles
Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are being used more and more to help reverse the changes associated with aging. Because the goal is to return the dermis to its original youthful state, dermal fillers can give a more natural appearance than surgical facelifts. Dermal fillers are being used to reduce or eliminate wrinkles, raise scar depressions, enhance lips, and replace soft-tissue volume loss.

The treatment is performed by injecting Restylane under your skin. Since no pre-test is needed, your procedure can usually be done in less than one hour. Many patients like the added comfort provided with an anesthetic cream, while others prefer an anesthetic block. This makes the treatment relatively painless.

Following your injections, normal activities can be resumed immediately. Discomfort is minimal. The treatment site may have a little swelling, which may last a few hours. There may be some slight bruising which can be covered with makeup. Depending on the area treated, correction can last up to six months or longer. If the lips are treated, initial swelling and tenderness may occur within the first several days, but subsides after two or three days.

Our Dermal Fillers Include:



Enhancement of Sexual Gratification

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. We can accomplish this with LVR®.

Stem Cell Lipo

Stem Cell Enhanced Fat Transfers

Learn about the medical breakthrough of modern medicine using adult stem cells, derived most easily from fat.