Stem Cell Lipo

The use of your own (autologous) stem cells to restore a more youthful appearance is available now. These therapies do not fall under the FDA's 'drug therapy' guidelines, because they do not involve drugs, merely your own fat being re-injected in the same operative session as the liposuction procedure to remove the fat. Also, the stem cells have been only minimally manipulated, and their use to enhance fat transfer does not alter the original biologic mission of the stem cell.

Cell Enhanced Fat Injections

Surgeons have been extracting fat cells since the early 1990s for the purpose of re-injecting them into other tissue for over a decade. The process has not always worked perfectly, however, and surgeons have learned that successful fat grafting is highly dependent on the techniques used. As it turns out, some methods for extracting, processing, and reinjection of fat cells results in high concentrations of adult stem cells in the fat. This has produced not only long lasting results, but also repairs in injured tissues.

To perform stem cell enhanced fat grafting, fat is first extracted by liposuction. The fat is then processed to isolate, concentrate and activate the stem cells. Techniques include centrifugation and chemically processing the extracted fat. Long lasting results are only achieved with proper fat processing techniques. The fat must also be re-injected in very small quantities and distributed through all tissue layers to facilitate reestablishment of blood flow to the fat grafts.

Examples of stem cell enhanced fat transfers include:

  1. 1. Face Fat Graft – This fat restores facial volume and rejuvenates facial tissues and skin. By increasing blood supply to tissues, it also makes tissue look younger.


  3. 2. Breast Augmentation – Fat injections provide a natural alternative to breast implants, and can continue to build fat in the breast subsequent to the 'transfer.


  5. 3. Butt Lifts – Originally used for buttock enhancement, stem cell enhanced fat transfers are being used in body contouring to create an hourglass figure.


  7. 4. Hand Rejuvenation – As in the face, this is not only a volume enhancement, but aged hand skin is revitalized by the fat transfer.



Get Bigger Breasts

No implants, 100% Natural

Breast lift with fat transfer will significantly improve the shape and size of your breasts, with a look and natural soft feel.


Enhancement of Sexual Gratification

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. We can accomplish this with LVR®.

Stem Cell Lipo

Stem Cell Enhanced Fat Transfers

Learn about the medical breakthrough of modern medicine using adult stem cells, derived most easily from fat.