  • Ingles
PRP Skin Rejuvenation



PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP Skin Regeneration therapy is a cutting-edge, antiaging procedure. The treatment uses the patient's own blood and thus poses no risk of allergy. The PRP treatment has the effect of potentiating your innate natural healing power and tissue reorganization potential.


The most common conditions for PRP therapy include: fine wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial grooves, wrinkles on the lips, acne marks, wrinkles on the forehead, wrinkles on the neck, bags and dark circles under the eyes and loose and saggy skin.








Enhancement of Sexual Gratification

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. We can accomplish this with LVR�.

Stem Cell Lipo

Stem Cell Enhanced Fat Transfers

Learn about the medical breakthrough of modern medicine using adult stem cells, derived most easily from fat.