  • Ingles
Laser Hair Removal

Want to have smooth and sexy skin all the time? Laser hair removal is your permanent solution. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses laser light to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal works by passing a light beam through the skin. The laser targets dark pigment, called melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle (where hair growth originates), the intense heat destroys the hair follicle instantly.

A Permanent Solution In most cases, laser hair removal slows hair regrowth, but it takes several treatments to provide an extended "hair-free" period. Laser hair removal is used for people who want to remove unwanted body hair. Common treatment locations include legs, armpits, upper lip, chin and bikini line. However, it is possible to treat unwanted hair in almost any area of the body. .






Get Bigger Breasts

No implants, 100% Natural

Breast lift with fat transfer will significantly improve the shape and size of your breasts, with a look and natural soft feel.


Enhancement of Sexual Gratification

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. We can accomplish this with LVR®.

Stem Cell Lipo

Stem Cell Enhanced Fat Transfers

Learn about the medical breakthrough of modern medicine using adult stem cells, derived most easily from fat.